# Linear to Nonlinear
**Due Date:** Monday, Dec 10
## Getting Started
Clone the Project 3 repo from [Github](https://github.com/cmsc422/project3-linear-to-nonlinear).
Follow the instructions provided in the README.
## Submission
Create a compressed archive file (zip, tar, etc) containing your code, and upload to the Project 3 (Code submission) assignment on the ELMS course page. Your archive should contain all code, not just the files you edited.
Export your completed project notebook as a PDF.
Go to Gradescope and make sure that you have signed up for CMSC422. Go to the Gradescope class page and click on Project 3: Linear to Nonlinear. Then submit the PDF.
See [this video](https://youtu.be/KMPoby5g_nE) for more details.